What are the schools like in Altona?

We're keen to find a low key but lively place for our girls 13, 9 & 6. Bayview School looks good but I'm keen to get some recent feedback. Thanks.
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1 Answer

Hi Emma, having personally come from the area, and having a few teachers on my books that work at Bayside as clients, the quality of the teachers (that I know) and school services seem good. Whilst my own child finished school some 10 years ago, there is talk that my grand children may well go there also. So from my perspective, Bayside would not be a bad choice, remembering of course that parent participation is crucial to the development of our kids, the teachers and schools will only teach, encourage and mentor so far, it's also up to us parents to follow up on the activities and make sure we also encourage and mentor our kids to get the most out of the schools. Good luck with it.


Thanks Peter, that's really appreciated.

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Rentals in Altona, VIC 3018