Information on commuting from Primrose Sands to Hobart CBD?

Hi there, we are relocating to Tasmania and are attracted to Primrose Sands. Can anyone tell me what the commute to Hobart CBD is like....condition of roads, traffic and realistically how long it takes. Any info would be appreciated, Thanks
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1 Answer

very rural winding road. It would take slightly more than an hour. I almost wouldn't consider it as greater Hobart, as there are large agricultural regions between Hobart and Primrose sands. Road quality varies thoughout, there are good parts and bad parts but mostly not too bad. Primrose sands only had their roads sealed in the last 10 years. I used to have a holiday house there and there were gravel roads up until about 2007ish.


You should revisit DanielG5. Travel time to Hobart is 45 minutes (not counting roadworks or accidental holdups) and the roads are in great, well-maintained condition, some of the winding bits must have been straightened out as there are only a couple of tight bends on Sugarloaf Road - otherwise it's normal country driving. Sames as anywhere in Australia.

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Rentals in Primrose Sands, TAS 7173