Svensson St, Svensson Heights

Svensson St is a friendly place, despite the very unmaintained road and footpaths. Being a main throughfare, people speed down this street in the early mornings and late afternoons, so it is not a good idea to let kids play on or near the road. Rather quiet at night, exept for the occasional hoon. 2 local stores, a butcher, a baker, a hairdresser, a car repair shop and a church are located on this street. Very clean street. The most dangerous intersection would be the 4-ways at the corners of Bates, Cattermull and Svensson Streets and Williams Road. Would highly recommend the local shop next to the hairdresser between Glasgow and Spence Street. The burgers are huge and a great price, too. Chicken chippies are the cheapest in town. The shopkeepers there would have to be the most friendliest people you would meet. The corner store on the corner of Branyan and Svensson Street's prices are a bit too high.
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