Woodlands Estate
I am looking to possible move into Woodlands estate, Waterford. Can anyone who lives in the area or knows the area, their opinion on what they think of Woodlands estate. Thank you.
Yes move to SFL and have Ur house broken into once a month
Yeah agree / break ins ~burn outs and gun fire ~dont move here .
Waterford Woodlands Estate.
Expect to live on top of your neighbour to the point you can hear and smell them in the loo if you have a window open near your neighbours toilet or bathroom, it's horrible. I've seen my neighbours in their loo and shower so many times. Houses are cheaply made. You can also expect to have mentally challenged neighbours, noisy neighbours, pool pump neighbours, partying neighbours, hoon neighbours and rude neighbours. Don't expect a good night sleep if you live at the bottom of Nova Street. The people at no.3 are party animals and only think of themselves while they piss up, loud drunk singing and loud foul language until 6am on most weekends in all seasons except winter when they hibernate...lol They use their driveway to party on in. There are alot more renters over owners and of the renters they are mainly share accommodation renters. Overgrown lawns are common too with no pride in where people live. Expect to be woken from the hoons screeching around the estate at all hours. If i could give no stars I would. Woodlands estate is feral land!