Carole Saville
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Carole Saville

Director | Licensee - Carole Saville Inspiring Real Estate
111 Reviews
Carole Saville Inspiring Real Estate

Reviews of Carole Saville

Overall Rating
111 Reviews
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About Carole Saville

Service is in my DNA!” – Carole Saville

Professional, energetic, passionate and determined would be the four words which best describe me! Since my arrival in Australia from the UK in 1981, I have had a diverse career, where I have amassed a wealth of sales and marketing expertise, in addition to professional speaking, counselling, I’ve been a naturopath, nurse and midwife. My greatest achievement has been motherhood and I’m the proud mum of Emily who has grown into one wonderful woman! I’m a very happy individual with a wicked sense …

Performance stats

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Data is based on information advertised in the public domain or supplied direct by real estate agents to and may not contain off-market, private sales or non-disclosed prices.

Neighbourhood questions answered by Carole Saville

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Contact Carole Saville

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Carole Saville

Carole SavilleDirector | Licensee - Carole Saville Inspiring Real Estate

Carole Saville Inspiring Real Estate