really want rent live in echuca how to do so when living so far from there at moment
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really want rent live in echuca how to do so when living so far from there at moment

really want to move me and my partner and 5 kids to echuca now but findin hard as to find rental house u must view before apply but we cant as we live in gippsland which other side 5 hours away and cant o up every week to veiw how to we et temp van somethin till get house what do i do im stuck and we really wanna get up there start our new better family life
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2 Answers

Hi, if you want to move to Echuca I will support "pomchick" 's answer. Temporary storage for personal items could come in handy as well. If you aren't familiar with Echuca, it would advisable to spend time there first. Alarm bells rang when you mentioned Gippsland b

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Before we arrived in Echuca from overseas we managed to arrange short term furnished rental in holiday accommodation for a couple of months. It was more expensive than a regular rental but meant we had a base for when we arrived, we then secured a permanent rental within the first 2 months of being in town

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