Thinking of buying in Seaford, worried about safety.

We will be working in the city, but dont mind the travel. Just a bit concerned about the burglary rate etc since we will be starting a family soon. On the Vic crimes website and RACV both have Seaford in above average for crime. Have read other comments here, just wanted to know what current residents think. Have read so many mixed reviews, but we really like the location, only worried about safety. What are the good and bad parts? Thanks so much!
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1 Answer

I dont see an issue tbh but everyones perception of how they feel will be different. .obviously the lower priced houses will have lower income familys around that area and unfortunately that dees sometimes mean crime but they do iy in every area. Not just 1. But frankston and surrounds are going up and up. So its always better to be in the market somewhere rather than pay someone elses mortage off.

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Rentals in Seaford, VIC 3198