Are there any Easter events in Adelaide this year?

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If you enjoy the football there is an Easter match on.
Port Power vs St Kilda
Adelaide Oval
Sunday 27th March @2.50pm
Family friendly event

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Take the kids to see the Adelaide International Kite Festival
Semaphore Beach
Saturday 26th March - Monday 28th March
11am - 5pm
- FREE event
- International and multicultural event
- Festival marketplace
- 20 stalls including international food

Meadows Easter Fair
Friday 25th March - Monday 28th March
9am - 4pm
Contact Tyson 0400 297 582
- 70 stalls
- Local produce
- Collectables
- Crafts
- Books
- Bric-a-brac
- Plants and flowers
- Tools
- Antiques
- Barbecue
- Pizza, Thai, Gluten free, Donuts, Coffee
- On-site cafe

Humbug Scrub Wildlife Sanctuary
Humbug Scrub Road, One Tree Hill
Monday 28th March
10am - 4pm
- Entry with gold coin donation
- Barbecue
- Baked Potatoes
- Tea, Coffee and Cold Drinks
- Cakes, Biscuits and Slices
- Ice Cream
- Face Painting
- Treasure Hunt
- Story Time
- Raffle Basket

Mount Pleasant Easter Twilight Farmers Market
Mount Pleasant Showgrounds
132 Melrose Street, Mount Pleasant
Thursday 24th March @ 5:00pm
- Fresh food producers
- Live entertainment
- Easter bunny visits

Myponga Market
46 Main South Rd Myponga
- Art gallery
- The Chilli Factory
- Coins and collectables
- Bizzy Lizzie’s
- Chrissy’s Kitchen
- Moon Hills Farm
- Myponga Books
- Magic Treasures
- Christmas All Year Round
- Local Leatherwork Dunbyme
- Ryk Buys Records
- Musical Instruments and Bric a Brac
- Calico Cat Crafts
- Liza’s Goodies
- Electric Tractor
- The Copper Kettle
- Vintage Tools and Collectables

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For those looking for activities not to take children have a look at these.

Easter Yoga Detox Retreat
Josephite House, 1 Everard St, Largs Bay
Friday 25th March – Monday 28th March
10am - 2pm
0466 984 686
- Yoga classes
- Deep relaxation
- Meditation
- Healthy cooking class
- Ayurvedic oil pulling
- 2 days body cleanse juice fast
- Steam-bath
- Infra-red sauna
- Hydro-detoxing treatments
- Alkaline diet
- Wellness classes
- Delicious nutritious vegetarian/vegan meals

Easter Monday Music - Skye & Damo
Salisbury North Foootball Club
39-41 Bagster Road, Adelaide
Monday 28th March
2:00pm – 5:00pm
- Performing live in sports bar
- Drink specials from 1pm

Easter Short Cruises
6 Randell Street, Mannum
Saturday 26th March & Sunday 27th March
Departs 10.30am, 12noon, 1.30pm and 3.00pm
- 200 tonne heritage vessel
- Life jackets provided on board for emergency purposes
- River murray views including cliffs, bird life
- Devonshire tea
- Licensed bar on middle deck
- Steam engine operation
- History of PS Marion
- Chat to the friendly deckhands

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I'm going to have a High tea with the easter bunny (not even kidding) this year. It's on the 17/4/2019 in Semaphore. I'm taking my mum and nephew for a treat! Excited. It's for the kids but I think we'll have a blast.

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