Mindarie v South Lake - residential areas around and which one's better?
4 Answers
Mindarie is a beachside suburb with very good housing and amenities nearby, including the Hillarys Marina and all the shops and cafes within that complex. Southlake, is inland and has a different feel to it, so it depends what you are looking for in somewhere to live. If you are attractedt to Fremantle and being able to go there regularly then that may be agood choice. Otherwise, Mindarie is surrounded by quality beachside living and would probably be my choice.
Rent in Nedlands, Subiaco or Shenton Park, and leave the fringe to fringe dwellers. Get every benefit of the blue ribbon suburbs, top state schools, all for 400 a week. Far better to be in the cheapest rental in the Western Suburbs, than a mortgaged housing in southern or northern areas.
South Lake is not a very desirable location in my opinion. There is government housing and social/crime issues. I can not really speak for Mindarie though as I live in the Cockburn area. The upside of South Lake is its close to the freeway / city & Freo. But I would rather live in Success than South Lake
South Lake is not a very desirable location in my opinion. There is government housing and social/crime issues. I can not really speak for Mindarie though as I live in the Cockburn area. The upside of South Lake is its close to the freeway / city & Freo. But I would rather live in Success than South Lake