Find out about our Suburb and Street Reviews

Homely has been collecting suburb ratings and reviews since 2007 when it was previously branded Homely offers the largest collection of Street and Suburb Reviews in Australia with 550k+ Street and Suburb Reviews and Local Q&A.

Homely’s extensive and exclusive community of Local Questions and Suburb Reviews empowers house hunters with the data and knowledge they need to find the perfect home.

We invite sellers and landlords to share insights about the location of their home by contributing a Vendor Street Review to appear on their Platinum Property listing.

Our Suburb and Street Reviews are based on many scoring factors ranging from safety, family friendliness, community spirit and access to schools. In their review, reviewers rate their street or suburb out of five stars.

Suburb and street rankings are based on the volume of reviews we receive for a specific street or suburb, and when a minimum number of reviews occur that street or suburb becomes ranked based on the scoring factors, the average 5-star rating, how many people have reviewed it, the category of the reviewer (real estate agent, a local or visitor), and the detail and depth of the reviews submitted.

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Add your Street and Suburb Review
How do I write a Street Review?
How do I write a Suburb Review?