Michael Hill
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Michael Hill

Senior Property Consultant - Noel Jones Wantirna
103 Reviews
Noel Jones Wantirna

Reviews of Michael Hill

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103 Reviews
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About Michael Hill

Commitment and hard work have been the key to Michael Hill’s success over the years; he has proudly achieved a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Bachelor of Education, played professional basketball, and earned an NBL championship with the Brisbane Bullets in 2007.

Since applying his drive and dedication to a real estate career in 2008, Michael Hill has again achieved remarkable success and continually strives to become recognised as one of the industry’s most successful agents.

Michael’s …

Performance stats

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Properties sold in the past 36 months
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Highest price sold
Data is based on information advertised in the public domain or supplied direct by real estate agents to homely.com.au and may not contain off-market, private sales or non-disclosed prices.

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Michael Hill

Michael HillSenior Property Consultant - Noel Jones Wantirna

Noel Jones Wantirna