Sandra Galati
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Sandra Galati

Property Manager - Rentwest Solutions
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Rentwest Solutions

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About Sandra Galati

Property Manager Sandra has had a number of years experience in the industry after entering the field as an Assistant Property Manager. We welcomed her to the Rentwest team in November 2015.

Sandra has a natural knack for helping people. She offers knowledgeable advice and guidance to our property owners and provides fair and understanding service to our tenants. She enjoys learning something new every day and looks forward to getting to know our valued clients.

Performance stats

Properties leased in the past 36 months
Average rental value
Data is based on information advertised in the public domain or supplied direct by real estate agents to and may not contain off-market, private sales or non-disclosed prices.

Neighbourhood questions answered by Sandra Galati

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Contact Sandra Galati

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Sandra Galati

Sandra GalatiProperty Manager - Rentwest Solutions

REIWA member
Rentwest Solutions