Advice on Coomera Waters
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Advice on Coomera Waters

We are planning a move to QLD and looking at Coomera Waters, specifically around Buccaneer way or Balmara.

We have read some really bad reviews about Coomera and Upper Coomera... is Coomera Waters (waterfront area) as great as it looks on the website?

Where we live the suburbs seem to be set out a lot different in terms of, its either a good suburb or a bad suburb. There isnt different suburbs within a suburb.

Is Coomera Waters realistically nothing to do with Upper Coomera and Coomera, a suburb in its own right? We are just trying to work out what reviews to take on board and which arent relevant ie high crime, hoons etc.

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1 Answer

We have lived in Coomera Waters for 18 years, 3 different homes we have built and lived in. Coomera Waters is a great place to live. Technically it is classed as Coomera. Upper Coomera is the other side of the highway. Coomera Waters has 24/7 security, an active body corporate but like any areas things do happen. The areas of Coomera that border Coomera Waters have much higher crime rates but then again, they don’t have security, CCTV cameras and the like. The areas you mention within Coomera Waters are both extremely nice pockets of Coomera Waters. Coomera Waters is 5km to the highway and slightly less than that to the train station and Westfield. There are many schools located close by. The marina precinct within Coomera Waters is lovely. And best of all, you can see koalas in there natural habitat right around the estate. There are plenty of places to cycle and run and ride bikes. The Coomera Waters community do look after one other. Most properties are owner occupied. I hope this helps. Don’t listen to all you hear - there is no such thing as an area where crime doesn’t occur but at least in Coomera Waters there are plenty of deterrents.

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