2 Bed  •  1 Bath  •  0 Car  •  48562.2770688m²


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Main view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Second view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Third view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Main view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Second view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Third view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Fourth view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
Fifth view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702

42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702

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  • 2Bed
  • 1Bath
  • 0 Car
  • 48562.2770688m²

Rural Property for sale

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Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb

National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally

Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Mimosa Street

Rural Property description

“Deceased Estate - 11.8 acres, House and Sheds!”

Do a bit of your own mechanical work or need to house the bike, boat, float or jet ski? There is a shed here to do the job!

Located in the township of Baralaba, this property is a 2 bedroom home, comprised of two demountables with covered breezeway.
A 5 bay shed - fully concreted, office, 3 phase power, lockable
A 2 bay shed - lockable, fully enclosed plus 2 - smaller zincalume sheds
Several other outbuildings including garden sheds, bird aviary, chook pens.

The Property has solar power, as well as mains power and oodles of rainwater.
If you need some additional room there is also a converted shipping container that could serve as a teenage retreat.
Plenty of room for a couple of horses or open space for the dogs to run, this property is adaptable and could meet a variety of needs.

Become a part of the Baralaba community which boasts a Primary School, Grocery Store, Newsagency, Doctor, Hospital, Pharmacy, Hotel and Produce Store. The Regional towns/business centres of Biloela and Rockhampton are respectively 100*km and 140*km away.

For An Inspection Please Call:

Netty Wendt
0421 488 579
Ray White Rural Gracemere

Land details

Area: 48562.2770688m²

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Fourth view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702View more
Fifth view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702View more
Sixth view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702View more
Seventh view of Homely rural property listing, 42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702View more

Contact the real estate agent

Netty Wendt

Ray White - Gracemere

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42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
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42 Mimosa Street, Baralaba QLD 4702
  • 2
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  • 48562.2770688m²

Netty Wendt

Ray White - Gracemere
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