Price Undisclosed

3 Bed  •  2 Bath  •  2 Car  •  780.4m²


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Main view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
Second view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536


Main view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
Second view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
Third view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536


556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536

Copy address

Price Undisclosed

  • 3Bed
  • 2Bath
  • 2 Car
  • 780.4m²

House Sold on Sat 18 Jan, 2025

What's around Beach Road

House description

“Rent until you build your Duplex (STCA)”

Remember your nana's house ? Well step back in time to revisit your memories in this 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom original coast house with extra accommodation out the back.
When this was built in the late 70's, there wasn't much around it and it was as flash as a rat's gold tooth.

With some cute features if you want to renovate like timber flooring hidden under the carpet, access into the backyard for vehicles and an added bonus of a 1 bedroom granny flat out the back as well, this could be a renovators delight.

But this has a little bit more than expected to go with it, you can see the water! filtered views from the current home but the potential of great views from a second story if you rebuild at some stage.
The location is key here as well, in respect to services, bus stop access out the front, situated in between Surf Beach and Batehaven shopping centres and Sunshine Bay and St Bernards primary schools nearby.

More importantly, this has potential for a great build site for a duplex at a later date (STCA) with fabulous views from a second story and a nice long block to work with. So use it as your holiday home while you plan your snazzy duplex, or tidy it up and rent it until you're ready to get something going.

There have already been a few built along this strip, so buy and bank for your future, it could be a very smart move for you.

Land details

Area: 780.4m²

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What's around Beach Road

Third view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536View more
Fifth view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536View more
Sixth view of Homely house listing, 556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536View more

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556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
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Report Listing
556 Beach Road, Denhams Beach NSW 2536
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
  • 780.4m²

Karen Herrick

LJ Hooker - Malua Bay