

4 Bed  •  2 Bath  •  2 Car  •  897.1m²


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Main view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Second view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Third view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Main view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Second view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Third view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
Fifth view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730

64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730

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  • 4Bed
  • 2Bath
  • 2 Car
  • 897.1m²

House for sale

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The monthly estimated repayment is calculated based on:

Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. If a range, the lowest value will be ultised

Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb

National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally

Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Wakehurst Avenue

House description

“Batlow's Best!”

- Set on a block size of approximately 897.1m2.
- Four bedroom home with built in robes + walk in robe & ensuite to the master.
- Spacious lounge room + additional living room.
- Combined kitchen & dining area with gas & electric cooking + dishwasher & ample storage.
- Wood heater + under floor heating in areas + reverse cycle zoned.
- Main bathroom features shower & bath + separate toilet.
- Double garage under roofline + rear undercover alfresco area.
- Fully secure yard with 6 foot colorbond fencing around the rear of the home.
- High ceilings, quality finishings inside with a blank canvas exterior to create your own oasis.
- Plenty of room to build a large shed.
- A modern home which will impress.
- Property has been reduced with motivated vendors!
- A new home being completed in December 2021.

Land details

Area: 897.1m²

What's around Wakehurst Avenue

Inspection times

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Fourth view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730View more
Fifth view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730View more
Sixth view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730View more
Seventh view of Homely house listing, 64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730View more

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64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
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Report Listing
64 Wakehurst Avenue, Batlow NSW 2730
  • 4
  • 2
  • 2
  • 897.1m²

Ray Piper

Ray White - Tumut
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