Are high fences effective for reduction of noise on Lower Portrush Road?
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Are high fences effective for reduction of noise on Lower Portrush Road?

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3 Answers

I lived one street over (Broad Street) and agree with 'tinkabell' that you adjust. Originally from a quiet street in Magill away from main roads, I thought it would be a problem, but it turned out to be easy and you only hear a few heavy gear shifts from passing trucks in the middle of the night. Not a problem at all.

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I lived on Lower Portrush Road for a number of years and you adjust to the noise after a couple of weeks. At night, it isn't very busy and it is only the odd truck that makes a bit of noise. We didn't have a high fence - just a waist-height iron fence and that was fine. We weren't near a major intersection or anything, so that could make a difference as it was only vehicles driving past (not stopping, starting, etc).

When inside, you don't really hear the noise if you own a solid house (not brick veneer).

Additional glazing on windows might help? And thick, rubber-backed curtains or window coverings/roller shutters? But as I said, you adjust and you might find you don't need a high fence.

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Dont believe what the agents tell you, Portrush Rd is getting busier all the time, its the main route for trucks and the siren noises are also a consideration.Accessing driveways is hard and if you do park on the road count on getting you mirrors knocked off regualrly, I work in a business on the quiet part of portrush Rd, If you can afford it even one street back makes a huge difference

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