Renovating/improving your house down south? Unbaised advice on how to make money in the long run.
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Renovating/improving your house down south? Unbaised advice on how to make money in the long run.

When conducting renovations and improvements, it pays to know what will add to the value of your house in the long term. Often improvements are made with no consideration of how the value of the property will be affected......and some 'improvements' can actually detract from the overall value of a home.

I can happily offer an unbaised opinion on any impending improvements you may have planned. In my role as a Real Estate Consultant, I see many improvements and upgrades, and am happy to assist even if your still at the 'idea's stage' - usually the most exciting stage! After a quick explination or run through I will be able to show you how your new improvement will increase your home's market value.

Please feel free to drop me a line or call me on 0439 802 735 and I can come out and discuss your plans. Remember, there's an old saying when your about to embark on a new improvement on your home - "Measure twice - cut once". Make sure your well educated before you start your next project....make sure your adding value to your home, and that way you'll reap the rewards later on down the track.


Jason O'Halloran
Sales Consultant
Magain Real Estate
Shop 4, Happy Valley Shopping Centre
Happy Valley, SA 5159
Wk - 08 8322 6111
Fx - 08 8322 5522
Mb - 0439 802 735
Email - [email protected]
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Renovation is really helpful if you want your house look more modern an new. Thanks, I'll probably seek advice of person like you.

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Your spot on Francine. A number of 'looks' can be achived, but always err on the side of caution when attempting a 'fad' or 'In' revonation. Careful colour selection and quality of finish always enhances an improvement, and the use of neutral tones always opens up the scope for appeal to the wider market come sale time.

That all being said!........with Spring around the corner, there's nothing quite like a splash of colour to brighten ones day.


Jason O'Halloran
Sales Consultant
Magain Real Estate
Shop 4, Happy Valley Shopping Centre
Happy Valley, SA 5159
Wk - 08 8322 6111
Fx - 08 8322 5522
Mb - 0439 802 735
Email - [email protected]
Web -

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In renovations, the focus is specifically to assist Property Investors in undertaking cosmetic home renovations or rejuvenation of their investment property to maximize the potential of their investment.
It's not the amount you've spent for your home renovations and improvement projects that makes the result very great, but its how much time you've spend planning and organizing for the things needed in it.

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Looking for a home in O'Halloran Hill, SA 5158 on. The old "measure twice and cut once" principle. Planning a reno is just as important as the roll out of it. Final result and indeed quality of finish will rely heavily on prior planning. A good thing to know is that most home renovations have in some way, shape or form been done before by someone else. This means that out there is good advice for every planned alteration or upgrade to your home.

There are plenty of sources of valuable information when it comes reno time, so it pays to do your homework to avoid any pit falls and hazards. I like talking to Hardware staff, people in my street and friends before doing a reno. You seem to pick up a lot of tips and tricks that way.

It's also worth noting that if a job is too big, your far better calling in a qualified and accredited professional to do it. That way you will have piece of mind that your newly constructed pitched roof entertaining area has been done to the highest standard.



Jason O'Halloran
Sales Consultant
Magain Real Estate
Shop 4, Happy Valley Shopping Centre
Happy Valley, SA 5159
Wk - 08 8322 6111
Fx - 08 8322 5522
Mb - 0439 802 735
Email - [email protected]
Web -

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