lodgement of bonds
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lodgement of bonds

hi, could you please tell me where i stand in regards to our real estate not lodging our bond? when we moved in we payed the normal 4 weeks bond, and 2 weeks rent, about 2 months ago the real estate came around and told us that they cant find our bond, they then said that if we payed the bond they have used that as rent, and if not that way we are behind in rent? we arnt, have always payed on time.
we want to move out soon as the lease has expired and we are on a periodical lease, thanks
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They have to lodge your bond as a matter of law, if your agent did not lodge the bond then they are open to prosecution.
You should take the agent to the rental tribunal for mediation.
The tribunal will sort your problem for you.


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Hi Neddy,

Rental Bonds have to be lodged with the RTA within 10 days of receiving it. I would call the RTA and they will be able to tell you if the bond has been lodged or not. Also ask your Real Estate for a copy of your tenant ledger, which will show all your payments made so far. This will be able to tell you if the bond was accidentally receipted as rent instead.

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