Karyssa H

Karyssa H

1 Review0 Questions0 Answers


Logan Reserve


I’ve lived here for two and a half years and I can tell you there is not one week where I have gotten a good nights sleep. I’m sure it isn’t every area but in this neighbourhood these is the constant dog barking all day and all night. I don’t know how people live with it. Oh and if it isn’t the dog barking and someone blaring this music til 4am in the morning, I wish I was exaggerating. I’ve had to invest in ear plugs and a desk fan just to block the sound and get some sleep. Also the first night we moved in my partner got his belongings stole new out of his ute. The people who say it’s quiet must live in a good area of Logan reserve. I wouldn’t recommend living here.


* EDITED *Ive lived here for two and a half years and I can tell you there is not one week where I have gotten a good nights sleep. Im sure it isnt every area but in this neighbourhood there is the constant dog barking all day and all night. I dont know how people live with it. Oh and if it isnt the dog barking it is someone blaring music til 4am in the morning, I wish I was exaggerating. Ive had to invest in ear plugs and a desk fan just to block the sound and get some sleep. Also the first night we moved in my partner got his belongings stole new out of his ute. I wouldnt recommend living here.

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