Ted Norman

Ted Norman

2 Reviews0 Questions3 Answers


East Innisfail

"Fertile , cool with the afternoon River breeze, slowly being updated a great long term investment."

We still have a beautiful home in Fannie Bay but did a drive around Australia coast line to find another place to live , we like the warmth , we don’t like windy locations, we don’t like horrible mass housing developments where the eve of each home nearly over laps, we don’t like traffic, and we don’t like pretentious communities, so here we are.
We are self sufficient financially, we can cook and entertain, we live half the year in Memphis USA, and like gardening and permaculture, yes Innisfail ticks the boxes , what a delightfully pretty location, it’s drop dead gorgeous, we can grow nearly anything , we whizz into Cairns one a week for what we need , this town is affordable , it’s attracting hands on people who want some space, sure it’s rural but that is the appeal, it’s got is own colony of grumbling grumpy folk who have never left and as such grizzle and whine.
So if you want a sunny life, if you like a garden that will grow nearly anything, if you like being warm and having a gentle breeze when your mellowing out in the evenings, if you can help contribute some culture and community spirit then join us.

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids

Thanks for taking the time to write this :-) Very helpful when looking to buy in the area.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

"Pretty as a picture."

A unique and pretty town, the Art Deco architecture is the essence to the town and the anchor point that future development should be pivoted off, the river front park is wonderful and I think that Innisfail has a ton of potential
While accommodating a large population of lower socio economic groups and having had a cyclone or two slowing development the foundation of the future development and sustainability is still intact.
Innisfail can and will grow to be a vibrant alternative to many other coastal towns, it has missed the dreaded corporate development of ticky tacky homes on postage stamp blocks, it offers generous block sizes and original architecture for under $200 k ,sure the homes are sub standard but so was some of Australia's most expensive suburbs.
The detractors are many , the complaints and grizzling constant and the willingness to move forward is jammed in place by an aging population, welfare tenants occupying homes that are sub standard, and current owners unprepared to meet the market .
Finally having lived in London, memphis, Adelaide and Darwin we welcolm the new arrival of folk with a similar desire as ours to establish an affordable , vibrant and artistic group of residents that see through the negative fog and discover one of Australia's best kept secrets.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.