1 Review0 Questions0 Answers
"Very little known suburb"
Waterford is a quiet area of some 1100 homes. It is quiet due to no through trafic, only people that live here come here. Waterford has more park and recreation that any other suberb. It has great shopping amenities as well as good schools, transport and only 8 minutes to the city. Waterford also provide a great golf coursr, has tennis, bowling, football grounds and encorages young people to join those and many more activities such as rowing, sailing, bike riding and the list goes on.
The greatest insentive for living in Waterford are the people they are all friendly.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Country Lovers
- Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.