Is Ferry Street in Glebe a nice place to live?
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Is Ferry Street in Glebe a nice place to live?

I am referring to right up the top end of the street near Glebe point rd....I like how central it is to shops and cafes etc but I am worried that it is going to be noisy every night, especially Friday and Saturday nights due to the patrons spilling out of the toxteth hotel... Any opinions from people that live nearby would be great!
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4 Answers

Great Spot !! You won't have a problem there at night time with the noise!


Thankyou for your input!

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I think the area is fabulous at that end of Glebe point road and it won't be too noisy. Plus close to Esca for brekkie and Glebe Point Diner for lunch!


Yeah I agree its a great part of Glebe. I appreciate your response

Esca, with it's crappy coffee and appalling customer service.

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I lived on Glebe Point Road and was amazed with how quiet it is of a spot to live. The only thing to be mindful of is the backpackers on a Saturday night you are a good distance from that so it should not be a problem.


Thats good news. Thanks....

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Looking for a home in Glebe, NSW 2037

I used to live in Ferry Road and upgraded into the the Glebe Toxteth Estate. Fantastic neighbours and community spirit. i had the same concern when i purchased the property however very quiet and you could not get a better location with easy access to the city, with so many choices i.e. walk 20min, taxi $13, bus, walk to light rail just off the park in Ferry Rd.

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