The filters in Homely’s property search are comprehensive. You can refine your search using filters including Price, Bed, Bath, Property Type, Inspections, Car spaces, Auction days, Indoor features, Outdoor features, Eco Features, Land area and Frontage.
The most popular filters will be displayed at the top of the page when searching for property. These include Price, Bed, Bath, Property Type, and Inspections.
By clicking on the ‘More Filters’, you will be able to refine your search further with additional filters including Car spaces, Auction days, Indoor features, Outdoor features, Eco Features, Land area and Frontage.
If certain filters are greyed out, that indicates that there are no available properties listed under that particular filter.
If you see a number next to a filter, that is how many properties are available within that filter.
E.g. The car spaces filter is displayed below. You can see before you turn on a filter how many properties are available with that option, and also one that has no properties available with that option.