What are Vendor Street Reviews?

Vendor Street Reviews are a unique feature of Homely Platinum Properties that appear in the listing description. Vendor Street Reviews gives your vendor the ability to tell prospective buyers what is so special about their home and street. By providing extra information and a personal story on your Platinum Property listings, you might intrigue a buyer and spark an emotional connection leading them to enquire, schedule an inspection and have them put in the winning bid at auction.

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Here’s an example Vendor Street Review:
“A quiet cul de sac”

May 27, 2019We feel our house is very special. It is situated at the end of a quiet cul de sac with a beautiful bush outlook. We have wonderful neighbours who look out for each other when needed. We know everyone in the whole street and always get together before Christmas for drinks & a BBQ or spit roast with meaningful conversations or fun catch-ups with good friends. We also dress up & meet for Halloween & take all the children door to door for goodies & a fun time finishing with a pinata and photos. We will be very sorry to leave but due to sickness the house is too big for us to manage now but we have made such good friends we will always keep in touch. I am sure anyone would love living at 13 Charlotte Place Illawong.