Grant Penrose
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Grant Penrose

Licensed Real Estate Agent & Auctioneer - Penrose Real Estate
45 Reviews
Penrose Real Estate

Reviews of Grant Penrose

Overall Rating
45 Reviews
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About Grant Penrose

Grant Penrose has been working in the real estate industry for over twenty-seven years and has developed a portfolio that shows it. As a property investor, landlord, real estate agent and auctioneer for twenty-three years, Grant maintains professional contacts that assure consistent recommendations.

Grant is an unwaveringly loyal agent with a passion for acquiring the best possible price for his clients. He isn’t afraid of striking a hard deal either, as his twenty three years of experience i…

Performance stats

Current properties for sale
Properties sold in the past 36 months
Total value of properties sold
Highest price sold
Data is based on information advertised in the public domain or supplied direct by real estate agents to and may not contain off-market, private sales or non-disclosed prices.

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Grant Penrose

Grant PenroseLicensed Real Estate Agent & Auctioneer - Penrose Real Estate

Penrose Real Estate