Do train horn wake you in the middle of the night/early hours of the morning in Alderley?
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Do train horn wake you in the middle of the night/early hours of the morning in Alderley?
I live about 1.2km to Gaythorne station and don't find the noise a problem, but I imagine if we were closer it would be more noticeable. I am considering buying in Alderley, about 250m to a train station and am concerned about the out of hours horns with babies/a young family.
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1 Answer
All depends on how heavy a sleeper you are I suppose I have lived near the train line before and it didn't bother me but I am sure it would bother some. The trains on the Ferny Grove line don't run all night so that is a positive for sure. I personally think living near a main road will give you more issues with sounds that will wake you up.
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