What is the cost of rent in Altona North?
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What is the cost of rent in Altona North?

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2 Answers

RENT is Very Expensive for the area:
Definitely avoid it if you can: Lots of Heavy / noisy Trucks, petrol tankers Hoon drivers, Area is also very Industrial, plus wait there is more you get petrol refinery view s and smells of Petro Chemicals, Tips and Chemical plants : A perfect cocktail for your lungs
Note its so expensive only because of its proximity to the city: Its a horrible dirty polluted subub: I hate living here but can't afford to move out of Mum and dads because housing in Australia costs more than it does in Switzerland (And we dont get the clean air, lakes and snow capped alps:



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Cheapest is 350. Brand new town house your looking at 450 easy

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