New Farm or Bulimba and state school or catholic?
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New Farm or Bulimba and state school or catholic?

We are moving to either bulimba or New Farm from the US, and not sure which area is best. We have a 4 and 2 year old. Also, my husbands company will pay for private school, but I don't understand why we should choose private, if the state schools are rated well. Public schools in the states offer more (music, art, orchestra), but I'm not sure it's the same in Australia.
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1 Answer

New Farm: Trendy suburb, where you can walk into the CBD or catch the Citycat, lovely leafy suburb with a diverse population, young people through to well to do retirees. Bulimba, nice leafy, fairly trendy suburb also but you will need to catch a bus or the Citycat to get into the CBD, it actually pulls into New Farm on one of it's stops. So it depends on what you want, singles I would go for New Farm, families I would prob choose Bulimba. Schools there are state and catholic schools around both the areas

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