Is there much aircraft noise in Cannon Hill?
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Is there much aircraft noise in Cannon Hill?

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28 Answers

YES. I work from home on Marsh Street and have to close my windows at 4pm because the aircraft noise drowns out my ability to hear clients over the phone.
Planes also wake us up early in the morning and late at night.
However, you get used to it.

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Cannon Hill, Seven Hills, Camp Hill, and parts of Norman Park all get bad aircraft noise, practically 24 hours a day, with aircraft avoiding the flight paths over the suburbs of Hamilton, Ascot, and Bulimba at night time from 10pm to 6am and diverted over Cannon Hill. So, if you're a light sleeper, forget it. The western and northern suburbs get practically no aircraft noise during the night


That will all be changing with the new BRISBANE runway opening in 2020. Some of those suburbs you mentioned will also be under the new flight paths.

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to add to the above, and to support the assertion that ASA and BAC continue to mislead the long suffering tax and rate payers of Morningside, Cannon HIll, & Seven Hills, this latest response from Air Services Ausralia:

"...Also, during daylight saving times in other states, the preferred runway to be used between 0500 – 0600 is runway 01 [aircraft arrive over the city] provided the wind is suitable. This is due to the increase in traffic scheduled for the 0500-0600 period in QLD...."

So, in essence, for six months of the year, ie 50% of the year, aircraft can take off and land over runway 01, ie directly overhead Morningside, from 0500-0600hrs!!! Therefore, the so-called 2200-0600hrs diversion to reciprocal takeoff / landings over Moreton Bay is a half-truth. When factored with the continuous breach of the reciprocal Moreton Bay landings between 2200 - 0600 anyway (for so-called such issues as "wet runway", winds greater than 10kts, "pilot-in-commands choice") etc, the reality is only a minority of eligible flights use the reciprocal Bay landings from 2200 to 0600 hrs. We returned home today after 3 weeks away (blizful sleep, without jet aircraft roaring overhead), to commercial aircraft taking off wih a vengence over our house between 5000-0530hrs (no wind, no wet runway!). Many of these destined for North QLD, & still no legitimate explanation from ASA why these aircraft cannot complete a right hand turn shortly after takeoff from R/W 19 (ie up the river between Hamilton & Bulimba, similar to the landing approach path used for R/W 01until 2200hrs, then as Chesterville rightly suggests, mysteriously after that, aircraft are diverted over Morningside / Cannon Hill, so the good folk in the affluent suburbs can get their good nights sleep). I guess as long as residents in Morningside / Cannon Hill are prepared to be silent on this serious & inequitable health issue, ASA & BAC will persist, & aircraft nois will continue to increase.


Look into the River Gateway Neighbourhood Plan - it calls up rezoning etc to Cannon Hill and Morningside as well as other adjacent suburbs. It also has a couple of maps relating to aircraft noise. It makes brief mention about new developments having to mitigate impacts of aircraft noise. There is an acknowledgement at government level regarding excessive noise pollution in these areas, and perhaps the River Gateway Plan can be a catalyst to have something further done about it. Refer to and go to River Gateway. Also refer to BCC is holding an information session on Monday 9th July 2012. You can drop in between 2-4pm or 5:30-7:30pm. Its at the Morningside Services Club, 481 Wynnum Rd, Morningside. Written submissions regarding the RGN Plan need to be in before 5pm Friday 27th July 2012 and can be posted to Neighbourhood Planning (River Gateway) Brisbane City Council GPO Box 1434 Brisbane QLD 4001 Online submissions are open from 18th June 2012. There is also a online guide to making a submission to BCC. Refer link below; Doesn't make sense for BCC and investors to put money into an area while not addressing critical existing issues such as excessive noise pollution. And if there is an acknowledgement for new developments to be built with consideration to noise attenuation shouldn't existing residents get the same benefit. Curfews are difficult because Brisbane isnt as large as Sydney for it to say that they dont want business at unwanted hours. Although something to consider is that Sydney did provide concessions for residents under flight paths by providing/subsidising acoustic insulation and glazing to these existing residents. Spread the word, make some noise.

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Very occasionally. Wavell Heights is not on the flight path for the main runway at Brisbane Airport which runs NE-SW, but there is a secondary runway running NW-SE and when flights use that (which is rarely) you get relatively low flying aircraft over the northern parts of Wavell Heights.

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Yes - it is directly under a flight path and there is a flight that goes across quite early in the morning that you will have to get used to. Evenings from about 4pm through to around 10pm have regular flights going overhead. I noticed the worst areas are those close to the Morningside boundary as the planes seem to follow Junction Road as a visual path to the airport.

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Yes. We moved from Morningside (Grosvenor St) to Red Hill for this very reason. The aircraft noise was very disruptive and effected our quality of life. It's very noticable in that area. We made complaints to BAC at one point, but they use the usual carefully crafted explaination. It will get worse once the 3rd runway is up and running. We loved the area and open space, but are so happy we moved to a quite and very well located suburb that's closer to the city.

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AllenRealEstate is quite right. A good website that clearly shows that most aircraft movements over the City follow the Morningside / Cannon Hill track after 10pm (ie over Schrapnel / Gatling Rds Cannon Hill near the Morningside border (Junction Rd), then over the Richmond Rd, Avon, Bonar, & Fleetway st areas). If you are within 1 km of this flight path (ie most of Morningside / Cannon Hill), you are going to be subjected to the noise at night time, if they are not using reciprocal take off & landings over the Bay. Air Services Australia could make a more equitable distribution of aircraft movements after 10pm, as occurs pre 10pm, and the question needs to be asked why they don't do this. It cannot be navigational, as it is just as dark at 7pm in Brisbane, as it is at 11pm!

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Would you like to know how many decibels at different times of the day? Have a look at this site, one of our due diligence checks before buying a property in the area.


Thanks. Cant seem to open the link though

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I moved to Manly. It's heaven. No planes flying 24x7 at what sounds like 50 metres above your house. Cannon Hill? God I wish I'd never lived there...
Don't be fooled by anyone (estate agents) telling you it's only in the morning or how you'll hardly notice. It's noisy all the time. You'll regret buying anything in an airport flight path.

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Property development is mushrooming despite the noise pollution from aircraft noise. Housing estates are "wonderful" , "exciting", "stimulating the local community" as the profiteering developers and real estate agents would have investors believe. The reality is that the area gets stench from the local meat works at Murrarie when the wind is from the north, insane aircraft noise when the wind is from the east, south east or north east, and the road and public transport infrastructure is already inadequate. But real estate advertising is always "wonderful and exciting". and the council justifies approving high density housing by telling us all that it will stimulate the local economy. ha ha, ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

and the Liberal State Government has already made its intentions clear that it will be resuming the "develop at all costs" mentality with the veiled excuse that we need development to fuel the economy. Hello 5 storey apartments and traffic to complement the aircraft noise.

this government and council really don't give a toss about community well-being.
based on the flaunting of monitoring of aircraft noise and dismissal of community concerns, i cant see the BAC directing air traffic over moreton bay when it saves time and dollars to route planes over Morningside whenever possible. they dont give a sheet about the families and community in these suburbs.

end of rant.

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Look into the River Gateway Neighbourhood Plan - it calls up rezoning etc to Cannon Hill and Morningside as well as other adjacent suburbs. It also has a couple of maps relating to aircraft noise. It makes brief mention about new developments having to mitigate impacts of aircraft noise. There is an acknowledgement at government level regarding excessive noise pollution in these areas, and perhaps the River Gateway Plan can be a catalyst to have something further done about it.

Refer to and go to River Gateway.
Also refer to

BCC is holding an information session on Monday 9th July 2012. You can drop in between 2-4pm or 5:30-7:30pm. Its at the Morningside Services Club, 481 Wynnum Rd, Morningside.

Written submissions regarding the RGN Plan need to be in before 5pm Friday 27th July 2012 and can be posted to
Neighbourhood Planning (River Gateway)
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane QLD 4001

Online submissions are open from 18th June 2012.

There is also a online guide to making a submission to BCC. Refer link below;

Doesn't make sense for BCC and investors to put money into an area while not addressing critical existing issues such as excessive noise pollution. And if there is an acknowledgement for new developments to be built with consideration to noise attenuation shouldn't existing residents get the same benefit.

Curfews are difficult because Brisbane isnt as large as Sydney for it to say that they dont want business at unwanted hours. Although something to consider is that Sydney did provide concessions for residents under flight paths by providing/subsidising acoustic insulation and glazing to these existing residents.

Spread the word, make some noise.

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we surrender.
sitting thinking perhaps we may be getting some peace from the damn noise, then... here it comes again!!!
we are leaving Morningside. any real estate agents who wish to sell our fabulous property please post me a message.

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I sent this email to air services australia: "we have lived in this area for 5 years. in the last 3 months noise levels have increased as flight numbers increase, altitudes seem to decrease and the flight path is not rotated to other areas or over the bay. what the hell is going on here? kindly instigate monitoring research under the current flight paths in this suburb".

the following link has the complaints section included, as well as the usual rhetoric about caring for the community and wonderful new whisper quiet aircraft currently in service. so according to air services australia, there is no significant aircraft noise in our suburbs.
i disagree.

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part of the response from BAC:

Your area is affected by both landing and departing aircraft from Brisbane Airport.
Aircraft land and takeoff into the wind. Where there is a seasonal prevailing wind this could mean the use of the same runway [and approach path] for weeks or months.
Brisbane’s typical weather patterns are such that during the summer months in Brisbane the wind blows from over Moreton Bay (northerly). This dictates the use of Runway 01 for arrivals and departures. During the winter the prevailing winds are southerlies and Runway 19 is used. Varying meteorological systems will mean that there are sometimes changes to these seasonal averages.

Your area is under the arrival path for aircraft landing on Runway 01 and you are experiencing noise from aircraft when the wind is predominantly from the north.

My feeling is:
But wind direction seems to have little to do with flight paths over the last three months.
most likely the pilots and airlines take the easiest and fuel efficient route.

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I dont believe wind direction comes into play unless its a gale force cross-wind. the easiest and most fuel efficient landing route is over my house. and that happens 99% of the time. and the elevation is seriously low. and there is frequent screaching as craft correct their velocity. why was a significant portion of moreton bay wetlands resumed to build the airport when there is no intention to land planes from over the water? why does the flight path now exclude bulimba? well we know the answer to that one. bulimba is now the playground of snooty pseudo rich influential types who park their "beamers" at the cafe's on Saturday afternoons, sipping late' next to their Beamers and looking at........ their Beamers. heaven forbid if they and their caffeinated companions had trouble making conversation due aircraft noise.

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its curious how Bulimba had an aircraft noise problem, and now it doesnt.

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Also, Carina, specifically Fursden Road, cops the aircraft noise early morning and then continuously from about 4pm in the afternoon. One day it was that loud I thought the plane was going to crash. And I kid you not! I can't hear the television or hear other people talking. People say you get used to it, I haven't and I can't wait to leave the area.


I don t know how old is this comment but I have been renting in Carina for the past 6 months near Fursden Road and I have to say your comment is not realistic. I have never never heard of a plane after 7pm and until 6am. Also most of the days there are no planes at all as the flight path you are referring to is not the main one (main one is Morningside/Cannon Hill) and it s been used for particular weather conditions only and never at night. I can confirm instead that Morningside/Cannon Hill (near the train station) have a terrible aircraft noise 24 hours a day.. I don t understand how someone can possibly live and sleep in those areas

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In past five weeks, mostly <5km wind most nights, yet no reciprocal take off / landings over the Bay between 10pm and 6am in terms of protocols. Airservices Australia again demonstrating total contempt for people liiving in Morningside, Seven Hills, and Cannon Hill. I guess the silent docile majority are prepared to put up with this, and have given them a blanket Licence. There is no navigational or aeronautical reason why this need be the case, but why should they worry, when they ave a passive audience. As I draft this, another large aircraft flying low overhead at 11.15pm and not a breath of wind outside precluding reciprocal landings / takeover over the Bay.

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Chesterville, good luck with your endeavors. We have written to Airservices Australia a number of times the past 4 years, and they just keep coming back with the same stock standard answers. Fact is the reciprocal Moreton Bay take off / landings are not being enforced per their protocols. Fact is that failing that, many aircraft movements could be diverted over other suburbs between 10pm and 6am, to "share the love" on a more equitable basis, as happens in other cities - but they won't. Wait to the 2nd parallel runway gets built. It's going to get a lot worse, with BAC doing a backflip and stating that aircraft using this runway, will also be diverted over Morningside after 10pm (originally it was proposed that the flight path be over Bulimba, Hamilton etc, but as reported in media, BAC through those up-market residents an "olive branch or peace offering". It would seem, baring a collective action by Morningside residents, the only avenues available would be pursuing the matter through the local member of Parliament Kevin Rudd (who seems mow less interested in this serious issue affecting his constituents) or via the statutory Aircraft Noise Ombudsman

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I am living just behind the TAFE college and can almost see the smiles on the faces of the pilots of planes as they come in to land. I understand there are noise level monitoring stations at various locations locally. the aim being to ensure international standards are not exceeded, amazing how the flight paths seem to have been diverted to avoid flights directly over the monitoring locations. i am tempted to hire some noise monitoring equipment myself. i am damn sure the arbitrary standard max noise level of 70dba is often exceeded.

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Per Dancelegs. The sad thing is there are alternative flight paths for both landing & departing aircraft, but it seems BAC would prefer to severely impact Morningside residents, rather than the more affluent suburbs from 10pm to 6am. Our young kids were awaken by 2 large departing aircraft between 3 - 3.30am a few days ago. Amazing this is allowed over built up suburban areas, at these times in a supposedly first world country. There is no consideration for adverse health impacts on residents. If there was, an airport nighttime curfew that happens in most western cities, would have occurred long ago. Seems even local MHR Kevin Rudd has given up, as he was previously very vocal about this absurb situation. We have also given up complaining to BAC, because they just quote the party line.

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the last few months have become a nightmare of aircraft noise in morningside. i dont believe there is any regulation at all anymore. the frequncy of flights is increasing, the altitude of planes decreasing and there is no discernable curfew. Shame on the BAC. Shame on all levels of government for allowing the airlines to pollute our neighbourhoods with a bombardment of noise.

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None, out of any flight path. Nice to see lights in the night sky from a distance though!

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I recently put on offer to buy in Rolle Street, Holland Park West. I discovered there is a landing flight path right above that street. Is there anyone having issues with the aircraft noise around that area?

I'll appreciate your comments.


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"we surrender. sitting thinking perhaps we may be getting some peace from the damn noise, then... here it comes again!!! we are leaving Morningside. any real estate agents who wish to sell our fabulous property please post me a message"

Hello Chesterville - not sure if youve had any response to this - heres one local agent who would love the opportunity to sell your Morningside home - have sold many in the area at some record prices - love to hear from you - if so please respond to my email at [email protected]

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Yes, i have friends on Hamilton Hill that say they hardly hear any planes anymore? They must all fly over Bulimba and Morningside now.

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I live in Balmoral next to Morningside and sometimes the planes are that loud i think they are going to land on top of my place..... This all seems to depend on the weather too though. If it is windy or raining you can hear the planes thrusters kicking in to land which i find very scary :(

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we are receiving a real hammering this evening as we have this past week. flights every 5 minutes at low altitude. real estate advertising is "beating up" the "wonderful" new property developments in the seven hills and cannon hill areas. i trust the new investors in these new wonderful exciting fantastic real estate cash cows are all deaf, or have some political impetus to genuinely regulate flight routes and frequencies, or they will all regret ever living under a Brisbane Airport flight path.

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