Craddock Street
1(1 review)Craddock Street, Linden Park, SA 5065
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Reviews of Craddock Street, Linden Park
6th March 2024
"Craddock Street name incorrect"
Accodrding to the Burnside Historical society the street is named after Rear Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock RN who went down with his ships entire company on 1 Nov. 1914 in the Battle of Coronel. This is in keeping with other names in the area after prominent British naval officers. However the spelling in this case is incorrect. Correct spelling is Cradock. The Society has not responded to communication sent last year on this subject. If it was good enough for the gallant Admiral to lay down his life for King and Country, it is not too much to expect the City of Burnside to get the spelling right.
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