Does anyone have any information on the Doreen area?
3 answers6 following

Does anyone have any information on the Doreen area?

Hi, how far is it from the city and it is east to get there? How are the schools? Much crime around? How far is it from the airport? Thanks, I'm moving from Cairns.
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3 Answers

I agree with treelover. Doreen has a great feel to it. I have never heard of any crime though (touch wood). Everything here is so sleepy and quiet and friendly.

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Its really great. From the city its around 40 minutes unless the traffic is heavy. The airport is around 32 minutes. Schools are great with lots of variety in type and price. Demographically the people are of a higher than average income and education bracket and as a consequence any crime tends to be against property such as opportunistic break ins rather than against the person such as muggings, bashing or domestic violence. The area quite a pleasant upmarket feel to it. Most people tend to be those who have moved out from Eltham and Diamond Creek etc who wanted a bigger and or more affordable option. Its got lots of great shops and many more are under construction. If you like eating out you will be discovering a new place every week.

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I lived in doreen for 6 mths and its awesome out here i moved from eltham!!

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