Is Enfield a safe place for families?
3 answers6 following

Is Enfield a safe place for families?

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3 Answers

Based on my experience and currently, Enfield is a very safe place and has only become more safer, most likely the reason because of many new homes are replacing the older homes (finally) but was always safe, as well. I have never had problems down my street, breakins, etc.

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We lived in Enfield for a few years. Close to the city and priced well. We did have alot of sleepless nights tho. The local trash seem to come out at night and cause problems. Cars on fire, fights in the street, domestics in the street etc. Great bakery tho!


Are you sure about that? I drive through the area, and never saw a problem. I'm confused.


Also, I live in the area. No such thing as what you said!


gumtree6, what do you mean that the local trash comes out "late at night and causes problems"? I live in Enfield and they've never come out "late at night and cause problems". Cars on fire? Lots of domestics? Could you please further elaborate and explain?

I live in Enfield for almost 10 years, however never came across such things, are you sure you talk about Enfield? I even bought an investment in this area

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Yes. Yes. and Yes. Look on my ratings on Enfield on Street Advisor.

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