3.8(3 reviews)

Harden, NSW 2587

3.8(3 reviews)

Great for

  • Parking
  • Cost of living
  • Schools
  • Childcare
  • Clean & green

Not great for

  • Public transport
  • Nightlife

Who lives here?

  • Families With Kids
  • Professionals
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • Hipsters

Reviews of Harden, NSW

"Quite and friendly.not far to anything"

Harden's a an easy place to live. Have been here 5 yrs now,buying here because city too expensive. Canberra is an easy drive aprox 1hr 15mins.
Most things are available in Harden itself, with a supermaket,butchers,hardware ,clothes shops and hairdressers etc but Young or Cootamundra are 20mins away if govt services or major purchases needed.
It has a great arty-crafty community, with shopping reflecting this over the bridge in Murrumburrah.

Great for

  • Good Medical facilities
  • On the xpt rail line(melb-syd)
  • House prices reasonable

Not great for

  • Employment low,though not far to other towns
  • Need more community activities/competitons

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • Hipsters
  • Country Lovers
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

Looking for a home in Harden?

"a great craft inviament"

hoping to move there very soon cant wait

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Beautiful rural town!"

I bought here as i could not in the city. Absolutely love it! Great schools, great people!

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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