Is there much airport noise and when does stop in Belmont?
3 Answers
Drives you mad!
Different parts of Belmont have varied levels. I am close to Faulkner Park and only notice bad noise on very still nights or when there are storms or fires innsurrojnding suburbs. There is always some level of flight noise but you get used to it quite quickly
It depends where you live and if you are under any direct flight paths. Belmont is not too bad for noise, the occassional plane going over and you can hear the engines starting up in the morning. The planes mostly head out straight over the suburbs in line with the runways and come in from the other end. Belmont is mostly to the side of the airport, so it would be streets closer to the airport itself that would have some of the noise in the background. The rest have more of a ''truck going by'' type of noise, and then it is over. Not sure what you mean by 'when does it stop'? There is not really any stopping time for planes here - no curfews as such, like in Sydney.
168 planes an hour on Friday's