Locals view on Mayfield Newcastle
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Locals view on Mayfield Newcastle

My ex bought a house in Murray square and now wants to move and take my daughter to live there. My daughter is 11.I went and drove around the area and it looks awful. The house is 200 metres from the train line and I saw people drinking beer in parks at 10 in the morning, graffiti on houses, run doenw delapidated buildings.....I saw no kids her age playing in front yards, it looks terrible and I am scared for my daughter. Can anyone help with concrete evidence showing how bad Mayfield is as a suburb. I want to show my ex. I dont want my daughter living in a dump and thats what it look s like to me. On top of that I have read a lot about drug abuse and crime there. All info appreciated.
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1 Answer

Hi I Do not Have Dependent Children but Have Lived between waratah Station and Maitland Rd Mayfield for over a Year Whilst some areas of mayfield have many social problems there are lots of areas with children and minimal contact with the drug and alcohol culture you seem to be concerned rightly about before you writ this area off I suggest you Visit The Area regularly walk,talk.and look you must do your research before deciding I Know this area well and am aware of the positives and negatives I am a former Child Protection Caseworker/Manager Retired so Tend to be very Selective Where I Live But just check it out first I did you may be suprised Paul

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