What is the correct pronunciation of Were Street in Montmorency?

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2 Answers

Were like "weir"


A photo and a little bit of history about Mr Were - http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/22228411?searchTerm=Career%20Of%20Late%20Mr%20F.%20W.%20Were&searchLimits=

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There is one high school in narre warren north , I don't agree with the system this school operates . But knowing it's the only high school in the area I send my kids to this school , bullying can happen anywhere in this school , right in front of a teacher and she is still teaching instead of stop and assist the child struggling in the class . I have seen horrible things happening to my kids . I have notified the education department but not much can be done . Due to distance I can not movie my kid but if I do I must move houses too which can make it hopeless :(

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