What is Pimpama like?
What is the area like?
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4 Answers
I just had typed a nice big message - then when I logged in to post, it vanished - lets see if I can remember what I wrote....
I have had 2 children at Pimpama State School this year (Prep and Year 2) - it is a lovely school (far better than our previous school), we have been in Pimpama 13 months of the 5 years we have been in QLD (moved up from Newcastle).
It is a fairly quiet area, even with the motorway so close. We are in the Strawberry Fields Estate (southbound side of the motorway). Seems like a nice little community.
I hope this helps you. And you enjoy your time living here.
Pimpama is a suburb that is ideally located for access to north and south and seems like a nice growing community. It has a mix of older acreage properties and newer homes in new estates.
Everyone we've sold houses to in Pimpama have been very happy with their surrounds and the local community etc.
Enjoy getting stuck in traffic. Watching and hearing the hoons try and break the land speed record day in, day out. Crime is rife, so best of luck.
If you enjoy jamed packed in living with basic outer suburb generic services and recreation, and spending hours on the motorway every week day and weekenf, then Pimpima is the place for you.
Hi, Thank you for your reply, it has been very helpful and by the sounds of things we will enjoy it up there :)