Noisy bloody Motorcycles
Very angry.
I don't think there is myers. I know that the speed limit has been reduced in certain areas of port Melbourne such as Bay Street, but beyond that, I don't know of anywhere people have actually banned motorcylces because of the noise.
I think you might be out of luck
Yep, the motorbikes are a nuisance. I live on Bay Street (double lane part) and they race each other down the road towards the bay until it turns to one lane and the speed limit slows down. Unfortunately most of Bay Street is 60kph.
There was talk a while ago about dropping the limit to 40kph. but I haven't heard any more on this.
Accidents waiting to happen I reckon. Maybe we can do a combined letter to the council or a letter in the local rag?
I thought Bay Street was 40kph?
Unfortunately, the section of Bay Street we live on is still 60kph :-p
Hi @Myers and @vicpow, I absolutely agree! I live on Graham Street near Bay Street. The good news is that there is a residents survey going around, ( and the results will be taken to a stakeholders meeting early this year. Please fill it out and encourage your neighbours to do the same. It's a brief survey. 5 questions.
My neighbours and I also have to deal with the motorbikes at night hooning up and down Bay Street, Beach Road and Graham Street, the traffic dangers of thousands of heavy freight vehicles outside our front doors, and the carcinogenic risk of living in a diesel laden atmosphere. There are little kids, schools, elderly people, local foot traffic... it's just unacceptable.
If you want to get involved contact BTAG (Beach Transport Action Group). Their webiste is and their social media handle @truckoffmelb. There's a state election coming up this year. It could be just the leverage we need to get something happening.
Hi. I completed the survey supporting removal of heavy trucks from Graham Street. It didn't address the noise of motorbikes.
tamr1, is it possible to create a new survey and feed into the wider consultation and government advocacy process you mentioned?
Keep up the action! Thanks, Travis
Hi Travis. Thanks for completing the survey (although it was supposed to close automatically at the end of November). The survey was created quite a while ago in support of BTAG's work to get a truck ban. Up until recently, the ban was temporary and VicRoads were not sure they wanted to make it permanent. We took the results of the survey and put a report together to contribute to the consultation process. A group of us met to lobby for a permanent ban, that included members from BTAG, VicRoads, the council and state ministers. It focussed on trucks because of the Statewide issues of trucks on residential roads, diesel fumes, heavy freight accidents etc. The truck ban has since become permanent though, which is not everything we wanted but a step in the right direction.
Motorbikes definitely are a problem, which became clear during the survey as another issue that warranted attention. For the next step though, I would recommend reaching out to BTAG. I believe they also connect with MTAG and other traffic advocacy groups which may be working on the same issue in different areas. They have much more clout because they've lobbied over quite a period of time and there is a core team as well.
Best of luck.
Thanks for connecting,
Hi Travis. Thanks for completing the survey (although it was supposed to close automatically at the end of November). The survey was created quite a while ago in support of BTAG's work to get a truck ban. Up until recently, the ban was temporary and VicRoads were not sure they wanted to make it permanent. We took the results of the survey and put a report together to contribute to the consultation process. A group of us met to lobby for a permanent ban, that included members from BTAG, VicRoads, the council and state ministers. It focussed on trucks because of the Statewide issues of trucks on residential roads, diesel fumes, heavy freight accidents etc. The truck ban has since become permanent though, which is not everything we wanted but a step in the right direction.
Motorbikes definitely are a problem, which became clear during the survey as another issue that warranted attention. For the next step though, I would recommend reaching out to BTAG. I believe they also connect with MTAG and other traffic advocacy groups which may be working on the same issue in different areas. They have much more clout because they've lobbied over quite a period of time and there is a core team as well.
Best of luck.
Thanks for connecting,