Is there noise pollution in Redcliffe due to its proximity to the airport?
10 Answers
There is. It is significantly different depending on the house position in relation to the flight plane, easterly winds and cloud cover. I guess some say you do get use to it. My main complaint in relation to the airport would be mobile phone drop out and some time you can smell aviation fuel as they land. Again this relates to flight plane and house location in the Redcliffe Suburb
You can hear the flight taking off and you'll notice it when it s quiter .It is not all the time.I won't categorise it as a pollution or hazard. Does that make sense?
Very noisy when they takes off from the runaway esspecially midnite otherwise it s moderate but worst still if the house is nearby the highway with hons and hoons.Some even flying so low above your house roof when they are landing or taking off.But it s depend as kids just love to see em so close and shouts "THE PLANE ' THE PLANE' and makes it more noiser .It s even beautiful to see em at night with the lights blinking like a star.Good location for pilots ,crew members,hostess and airport worker to consider so that always on time to work.
Top end of Redcliffe is saved from the plane noise by the north-south flight paths. Our last house in Bentley was worse for planes.
The short answer is no. In the 'top end' of Redcliffe, not directly under the flight path of approaching and departing aircraft there's very little noise. Half the time I'm able to see the planes but not hear them. People who live down the 'bottom end' tell me they get used to it just like any other background noise. Aircraft noise doesn't out weigh the benefits of living in Redcliffe.
go up North close to the sea , thr r storm and wind noise like dis...woooooooooo and yeah the rough waves .go up hills bushfire and snakes, bull ants & redbacks . go to the city, traffic noise and smoke , drunks noise.Nothing new.
Yes theres chemtrails. But there everywhere now.
I too have these problems with the house shaking, mobile phone drop out and the smell of aviation fuel. I'm in Kewdale, 800m from the forum, near Orrong road. When I moved here 18 months ago there was nothing except local traffic peak hour now I feel like I'm living at the airport terminal and I have to use earplugs to sleep.