Is there a prestige market in Robina?
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Is there a prestige market in Robina?

Is anyone finding it difficult to sell rare prestige opportunities in Robina? I have a rare 3766m2 waterfront land in Peach Dr, less than 3min drive to Robina Town Centre and I have very little interest compared to an interested market 2-3yrs ago on similar properties.
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1 Answer

Hi There

The market has changed, anyone that does not change with it will find it difficult. Certainly the top end of price ranges has been alot slower than other segments of the market, generally speaking but there is always a buyer for every property.
If a property being rare drove up the price then you could say that a house in the dessert would be worth more than an inner city house? As we know that is not the case.
It is supply and demand that commands the market.
It is natural to assume that a larger block would fetch you more and to a certain extent this is right but there is a cut off somewhere. As I have mentioned before, you must understand your buyer, for example a mom and dad purchaser can only use so much land before the size becomes almost irrelevant, in fact it can become a deterrent with increased maintenance etc?
So what do you do, you work out the highest and best use of the block, work out your end buyers and then structure a campaign to attract them. Once you have attracted them you negotiate the highest possible price.

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