Waste Water Plant down from Rosemead Rd, Hornsby
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Waste Water Plant down from Rosemead Rd, Hornsby

We are looking at possibly buying a property at the bottom of Rosemead Rd, but notice it is close to the waste water plant. Has anyone noticed any issues with this, ie. odours etc? Thanks!
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(hmm my post didn't publish)
My brother worked there for many years. He said the system was odourless and noiseless. It's not like a factory.
The area around the bottom of Rosemead and Valley Roads can be quite shady in winter due to the steep hills and trees. Nice in summer but a little colder and damp in winter. This greatly depends on the house's position so I suggest you take a good look at it's aspect. Check for extraordinary ventilation methods and dampness in wardrobes.
The area also has wonderful blue gum forest and plenty of wildlife. Bandicoots, ecidna, brush turkeys, birds and more birds.
Good luck.

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