Travel times during peak hour
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Travel times during peak hour

Hi there,
Id love to hear a locals perspective on travel times between Seaforth and the city during peak hour. As a bit of context: Were looking at moving our young family out of the inner city, where weve lived for 7+ years. We both work full time, and have had the luxury of being able to walk to work this whole time. But space, affordability and fresh air awaits us north of the bridge .. the only thing were a little terrified about is the commute.

My office is in Darlinghurst and Ill be driving to and from work. My biggest concern is how long it will take to get home, particularly as I need to get the little one from daycare by 6 and cant really leave before 5. Any Seaforth locals able to share how long it takes to drive home from the city during peak hour, on an average day?

Ive done some test drives, but were in the middle of school holidays at the moment which means the commute has been a dream!
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