Anyone has issues with the local tip smell at Spring Farm?
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Anyone has issues with the local tip smell at Spring Farm?

Looking at building but weary about tip being so close.

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4 Answers

No issues for us. We have lived here almost 4 years and have never smelt it.


Can I ask which street you live on? The smell definietly doesn't affect the whole of Spring Farm. I'm curious to know where you have to be to not notice it. I've only smelt it as far as Woolies once.


We can smell it in Mount Annan

what street in mount annan? We will be looking to buy eventually and don't want to get stuck with it again!

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DISGUSTING SMELL... I was about to buy a house at spring farm, lucky I didnt


what street

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We have just moved to Cassidy Street in Spring Farm and find the smell is often so bad I don’t want to go outside.


Is this something you still get very often? Also any advice on the area? Looking at buying a house very near your street

I smelt it several days of the week at least some point in the day over the summer. I do like being outdoors though so it may not affect everyone as much as it does me. I have heard it is much worse this summer than usual. My guess is the smell is mainly noticable to the east of Nicholson Parade. Myself and a few others have contacted the EPA recently and interestingly there has not been much smell in the last week. They are looking into the issue.


Smells bad every day,it will fix in the near future?

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Looking for a home in Spring Farm, NSW 2570

I went to view a place to rent last week , and the smell was very bad . And the smell came into the house when I was looking it the place , the real estate said she has never smelt it before . I applied for the home and got it , and now I find out there is a tip there . Kinda sucks .

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