Cost of Groceries for a single Mum and 2 kids?
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Cost of Groceries for a single Mum and 2 kids?

I am planning on moving to Tannum Sands could you please tell me what is the weekly shopping worth approx?
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1 Answer

As at May 2020 we have Coles in Tannum Sands and Boyne Island (2 minutes away) there is a Woolworths. Personally I find cost of groceries here quite expensive. Average 2 adults no children would be in the vicinity of $150.00 - $200.00 per week.

On the weekend at Benaraby turn off there is a fruit/vege truck of which the produce is cheaper than the two mentioned above, and Gladstone which is approximately 30 minutes drive offer Aldi, IGA and also there are markets on the weekends in our local region which gives cheaper options for produce.

Sandy Buttsworth - Director - Island Sands Asset Management
Phone 07 4973 7783 Email [email protected]

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