

1 Review0 Questions0 Answers


Logan Reserve

"Absolute nightmare"

I've lived here for two years now and hated every minute of it. The houses are built so close together you can touch your neighbors home, you can hear everything that goes on in the next houses and the neighbours can hear what you do. The area is mostly young families, and the location is great for kids -not so much if you enjoy peace and quiet. Noise seems to travel well around here and most of the homes are built cheap with paper thin walls. There is the constant sound of kids screaming, everyone seems to have a dog that barks day and night, airconditioning units built next to neighbouring windows.

From one end of my home i hear my neighbours scream and swear at their kids non stop, the other I can hear a man who talks to his dog all day. From my bedrokm i can hear the man next door snore all night. I havent slept well in 2 years, there is no down time, no quiet time, I find it very stressful here.

There are speed traps and islands built everywhere making it a pain to drive and limits street parking. I quite often have to park 3 blocks from home as the front of my house has no parking.

The greenspaces are nice and the council puts a lot of effort into keeping the place looking well. There is an outdoor gym, walking tracks and parks. I feel 100% safe walking around at night and the kids play freely in the streets. its the housing density that lets it down. Homes advertised as "family home" are more like unit complex or apartment.

There is no public transport, internet is provided by few companies and very expensive, limited mobile reception.
I am with optus and I can't use my phone in my house or certain streets in Logan Reserve. They are developing land in surrounding suburbs so there is always roadworks and gravel/dirt roads, has damaged my car and slows commute to work.

There are plans being approved to build shops, a retirement village, a nursing home and more high density housing in 2018 onwards. So the nice roads that are free of traffic lights and intersections wont stay that way for long, and the population will only increase.

This place is great if you have kids, immune to noise and are a very heavy sleeper. Also a flood prone area with only 2 roads in and out.

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids

Hi Rem, great review. Thanks for sharing your insights. Are you in an estate and if so which one? How are you feeling about the area these days? Thanks


Just spent a couple of months living in Logan reserve. Under valued I think And ridiculously called a flood area sooo unnecessary . No problems no out of the ordinary noise no arguments at all with anyone that I witnessed around the area . Surrounded by lovely parklands with walks for dogs etc. people that are complaining about laughter and family noise obviously have their hearing aide too loud and should maybe chose a retirement village next time. Like I say lovely area, . Thanks for the opportunity of my couple of months stay In a nice area. With no floods!!!!!!


not in all of it

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