"Nice however it's changed for the worse as crime is on the rise."
I have lived here for over 20 years and loved the place. However in the last 5 years I have seen an ugly change, the people that have moved in and the crime rate that the council just turns the blind eye on is of concern.
In the 20 years 4 burglaries the last 3 in the last 4 years and I’m in a very quiet street away from the station.
If you plan to raise your kids here be very careful as the only kids outside seem to be the one making trouble.
The other concern is that water treatment (sewerage) plant, sometimes depending on the winds can be quiet unpleasant!
All in all, nice place however the council/Police !!PARENTS!! have to do something about the youth running the streets late at night.
If you are looking for a cheap place to live, and don’t have kids it will be ok.
However if you do have kids I would strongly recommend driving through late at night and make your mind up then, they could be your kids in the future!
Your on the pub side that's crap there.