Verdon Street
2.6(1 review)

Verdon Street, Dromana, VIC 3936

2.6(1 review)

Great for

  • Childcare
  • Eating out
  • Medical facilities
  • Public transport
  • Schools

Not great for

  • Peace and quiet
  • Lack of traffic
  • Pest-free

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles

Reviews of Verdon Street, Dromana

"Verdon st is ok..."

Im doing a report based on the living in Verdon st ..The Back end of verdon st is good,,, The park is lovely..The start of Verdon st is very busy.. Lane way is a Disgrace.. Laneway needs alot of work..... Del trucks and Del Vans are a real problem.. They use Private driveways for turning at all times.. No Privacy.. The unit is fare....Lovely View of the bay for now, till the new units are built in front. The will loose view. Will also be very conjested in the lane way .Unit is in fair condition.A few thing need to be addressed..
Owners are nice..

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
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