Is it Dog Friendly?
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Is it Dog Friendly?

I along with my dogs are considering making the move from Victoria to your lovely area
While in Victoria we like to go for walks along the beach always on lead so I am not looking for off leash areas but is walking on the beach allowed with dogs on lead I realise in peak summer times like here it is not allowed that is fine but is ok the rest of the year
Or are there other beautiful spots we can take a lovely walk
Just to clarify my dogs are not aggressive but in Victoria greyhounds are not allowed off leash even in off leash areas plus I just would not risk the safety of my dogs by letting them off leash they are very friendly and dont mind other dogs off leash
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1 Answer

Wamberal beach is the perfect off the leash place for your puppies. It’s where my dog and I head to from home every morning. A flat walk for most residents

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