Yangebup, beeliar or spearwood or coolbellup
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Yangebup, beeliar or spearwood or coolbellup
Hi team , which suburb is safer and more fri for for a new family with a bub in reference to amenities, walking to shops, noise and also neighbours and Access and schools, we are thinking Yangebup, coolbelup and beeliar, and of those with are the better parts
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1 Answer
I would say Berliner and Spearwood have the better reputations, although I’d go west of Rockingham road in Spearwood. Both are family friendly suburbs, Spearwood is a bit older in terms of housing and closer to Fremantle. Beeliar is newer, a bit more further out and more modern housing.
yangebup is older and I’ve heard mixed things about that suburb. Same with Coolbellup, although I believe they are trying to regenerate it.
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